Thursday, June 7, 2007


So, I put a few more notes up, and we have now covered the first ten lessons. These lesson notes should hopefully serve a few purposes. First, they should help me retain the vocabulary and grammar from these lessons, while allowing me to practice my kana. Conversely, they will also help you, so you may have a visual reminder of what you are listening to, and also be introduced to the kana.

These notes, however, are not infailable. I, too, am still learning; therefore I fear that some text may be innacurate or missing. Please, as you go through the lessons, if you see anything amiss, let me know. It will help everyone.

Oh, found this link as well:

The Fox's Ear

I like this site, it has a really nice personal touch to it. And Kana tutorials! These are really good ones, too. It uses mnumonics, similar to they system used with Kana Pict-o-graphix (thought I would still prefer said text to this site). Try it out, it's sort of funny too. Ah, and they have a Kanji section... man... I so dread (and at the same time can't wait) for the Kanji.

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